Thursday, June 25, 2009

Urgent Message !!!

Have YOU emailed us from the 1st June to 25th June PLEASE email again as due to an error compressing the file the above dates are missing . lost somewhere in the computer, you would have thought that wasn't enough room in the machine.

Don't you just love these machines .



Monday, June 22, 2009

Hail Stones

Hail Stones The Winemakers nightmare

And these were the small ones!

When they hit the vines (especially in spring time when the vines are just setting the grapes) a hit by a hail stone can cut straight through the new growth , leaving you with just a green stalk.

Luckily for us these hail stone missed us !

But my Dads car looks like orange peel every panel is dented!
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Earls Court First day !!
All set up and ready to go!

Smiling faces and new white Tshirts!

You should have seen us at the end of the day.

Tshirts not quite so white and smiles not quite so bright!
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Real Food fair London's Earl Court

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Busy Busy

It has been a long time since our last blog!!

Mainly a trip to London , Real Food Fair , Earls Court which was only over a weekend but the months leading up to this was full on. Why? I hear you say , we decided to change the labels and our logo!! make a new beer and bottle it, fine tune two of the Rose wines and Hint of Pink which by the way isn't quite pink hey ho! worked in the vines weeding 60,000 plants and paper work re wine going to UK with duty paid.

Then when all was getting up together we lost the memory card for the camera so couldn't take any photos to down load.

Anyway this is our excuse for not updating.

So here goes