Friday, December 24, 2010


We would like to send Christmas greetings to all of you that have supported us this year, many thanks and we shall raise a glass or two to you tonight ,have a good one and we hope to see you again soon.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

South West France Gets Snow As Well

Well there you go, people said I was mad when I said it was going to be a long snowy winter,see last post? I said this because I can't remember seeing so many berries ,fruit in the hedgerows as this autumn! We all know the old wives tale but this year you could tell there was a difference, a larder brimming full to be harvested and stored away for hard times ahead? So far I've been proved correct but yesterday we had a rest-bite and it was T shirts and 18 degrees but the cold returned today and is forecast to stay, we shall see?We have the horses back for the winter so looking forward to Sunday afternoon, hoping the weather will be kind so we can ride out in this beautiful countryside.