Monday, April 28, 2008

you can see we are green,we do it not just talk about it!!!

Many vineyards are now talking about their green credentials and a common quote is "we use chemicals wisely and have adopted the lutte raisonee approach" .Well we should all use chemicals wisely because they cost a lot of money and miss use could harm the vines or other crops close by! With our weeding taking place by using a pellenc weeding machine when conditions allow and when not ,weeding is done by hand!!! This attention to detail means the soil below our vines doesn't look like an arid desert .

These beautiful wild orchids prove a point!!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Lacock the peacock March & April Weather in the Vineyards

"Lacock " The Peacock taking a moment to dry out on the old wine pump (each turn of the wheel = one litre of wine , the wine vats held upto 11500 litres!!)

March turn out like we said cold wet and horrible!!

April has hit us with its showers!!!