Tuesday, July 22, 2008

1995 Vintage

A funny thing happened at market on Sunday, Sarah had a French customer come and asked her if she had any 1995 for sale ,she hadn’t, the 1995 had sold out very quickly in less than 8 months! The French man had just had a bottle and said it was absolutely fantastic!
So not having tried a bottle for many years mainly because I’d lost the key to our wine cage!!! Anyway I found the key and with some partners in wine who happened to be here for dinner had the pleasure of trying it! What a surprise it was absolutely fantastic some judged it better than the renowned 2001!

So if by chance you have some can I buy it back??

No, drink it! Decant first one to two hours then enjoy!!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Can you spot david working in the Vines??

See how you can now see the stem of the vine after all the extra growth was taken off.
Grape set looking good

This is what the vines look like now, 1st July 2008.

Our job now is to take off all unwanted growth, so to allow all the goodness to go into the grape.

I like this job as you see instant results

Look at the next picture - Sarah