Saturday, May 15, 2010

The Naked Chef visits Quercy and Progress?

This week we see that Jamie Oliver visited our neck of the woods, albeit he didn't visit us personally he was taken truffle hunting by a very nice old gent using a pig ,who just happens to buy wine from Sarah!!Thats the gent not the pig! It was nice to see that Jamie picked our part of the world to visit but then those of us that live here often forget how lucky we are to live in a place that has so much going for it in the food wine and general way of life stakes. We of course don't bang on about it to often,else you all would want to live here and of course the dream would die? What I mean by this is that things are changing rapidly.For example, the need for a big supermarket in every town or large village, having lived in Britain I have seen what it has done to the local Baker, Butcher, general store etc and it is happening in 3 of our local towns(LARGE VILLAGES) it will kill the high street with its local shops selling local products and ship in its own alternatives from further afield!!! Progress not in my book,the ash cloud should happen more often, the local shops would be relatively unaffected while the multinational supermarkets would soon start to have prolems with supply?

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