Saturday, August 28, 2010


The Gourmand evenings have drawn to a close and our hectic schedule of 46 events in 60 days has come to an end! The next month will be spent getting ready for the harvest and there is plenty to do,weeding by hand in the big field has some way to go and although the 40 degree days over the past week has been good for the grapes its been pretty hard for me. With the grapes lagging behind they have been playing catch up and have come on leaps and bounds with these exceptionally hot days and nights with no rain here but plenty all around us!
With the success of the summer markets we are clean out of CF and JAS and GM and our new vintages of the above will be bottled very shortly, hopefully along with VAT 665 , so allot of work to do. The beer has been even more successful and we can't keep pace with demand so if we have time another one or two brews will be attempted?
Finally we would like to thank all of you that have made it such a pleasant and successful summer, with your purchases and encouraging comments and help ,it makes it all worthwhile, thank you and hopefully see you soon.
P.S. We still have a small stock of the wines we have run out of here, in the UK, so if you would like any of these in the U.K. we are able to supply them duty paid from our store in London,e- mail us for details.

1 comment:

Jem said...

Our store in London - Harrods no less.
