Sunday, July 4, 2010

Another hot weekend and biting well?

Well as I write this at nearly 7pm its still 30 degrees outside in the shade, what a change? Sixteen years in France and this has got to be the most unusual weather wise so far, after a very long winter very little if any spring just when everybody was saying are we going to have a summer this year? It happened, virtually overnight, so from one minute wearing a fleece which is unheard of in May let alone June and to be honest very rarely seen in April. What's happening well all I know is that the mosquitoes are biting, for somebody who normally doesn't get bitten I'm making up for it this year!
I can only assume because of all the rain and cold weather in April thru to June all the small ponds that are normally dry by now are full this year and have been for a long time thus providing the perfect environment for the mosquitoes to breed.

Conforming, why would we want to, I'm talking about Merchien Rose? For those of you that know our wines and our efforts towards change you probably know what's coming? Our Roses over the last 16 years have always sold out and many customers come back year after year because they like it! We have always had a battle because the local tasting panel in my opinion sees different as wrong not just as different. Over the years besides the Rose, the JAS is the classic example always a problem to get it through the Agreement( piece of paper needed to officially sell it as a Vins de Pays) a tasting panel and a lab analysis, even though it passes the lab test the tasting panel says it doesn't conform this has happened with a JAS in the past which went onto gain a silver medal in the national concours in Paris, coincidently the only one for our department, so it seems the problem is local not national?
My conclusion to this is to make it as what used to be called Vins de Table, no tasting panel required, therefore no fee to pay for tasting panel, downside very few competitions to enter? We don't want to take this route but it may be the only way? What we can't understand is, for example in what was Vins du Pays du Lot, there are some forty different varieties of grapes allowed so if you have an unusual blend , with forty varieties you have got to admit that's a lot of different combination and any unusual blend tasted will automatically not conform so my answer is do away with the tasting panel after all they could be open to corruption and at the end of the day if the wine passes an analytical test its a matter of taste, let the market decide? Your comments would be appreciated!!


Jem said...

Go for Vdt if it deosnt harm local sales.

I would also post the question and your views on the pros/cons on WP Forum too. As you know there are alot of winemakers/importers on it and its the sort of thing they would love to discuss and advise on

Jem said...

Go for Vdt if it deosnt harm local sales.

I would also post the question and your views on the pros/cons on WP Forum too. As you know there are alot of winemakers/importers on it and its the sort of thing they would love to discuss and advise on